Inner awareness is the key to set your strength free.
Be the ruler of your Body and Mind, with FitFullness.
The benefits of exercising are no secret. But people workout primarily to lose weight. Have you ever thought about Neurology when you hit the gym?
When you exercise, oxygen saturation and angiogenesis (blood vessel growth) occur in areas of the brain associated with rational thinking, as well as social, physical and intellectual performance.
This is FitFullness. You widen your perspective about those benefits by combining Science and Sport, improving mental health and cognitive functions while improving body control and strength through elements of Pilates, Yoga and Ballet.
FitFullness. The art of mindful training.
Many could already benefit from the Fitfullness Training Programs. And they shared their experience!!
Check out in Testimonials how Fitfullness have changed people's routines and lives.
Get in touch to know the best FitFullness Program for you, about prices, bookings or to talk to your Mindful Trainer
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